Friday, September 7, 2012

Beef Egg Noodles

4 人份

 鸡                                       半支
 洋葱                                    1  个
 清水                                    10 杯
上等牛肉                            250 公克
蛋黄面 或 米粉
葱                                        适量
香菜                                    适量
冬菜                                    适量


沙糖                                    1 茶匙
盐                                        1 茶匙
鱼露                                    2  汤匙

1.锅内倒入清水10杯煮滚,把鸡,洋葱,放入锅用中火煮45 分,加1茶匙沙糖,1茶匙盐,2汤匙鱼露。息火后盖锅让它焖出洋葱的甜味。成高汤待用。
3。高汤回火煮滚把切好的一人份上等牛肉片下去煮7 分熟与汤一起盛入碗里的面条跟着下葱花,香菜,冬菜,胡椒,辣椒,浙江红醋。。。。(一碗香喷喷开胃的简单容易做的上等牛肉面。)

makes 4 servings

1/2 chicken
1 large white onion, peeled
10 cups water
8oz beef, filet mignon, sliced into thin slices
1 bag egg noodle
1 bunch green onion, chopped
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
1 tsp. preserved, dried cabbage
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. fish sauce

  1. In a large stockpot, add 10 cups water and bring to a boil over high heat. Add chicken and onion, skimming foam and fat from surface as they form. Then reduce to a medium heat and cook for 45 minutes. Season with sugar, salt, and fish sauce to taste.
  2. In another pot, fill halfway and boil water. After water is boiling, add in the egg noodle and cook 3-5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of cold water to cool the noodles and drain the water.
  3. Heat the chicken stock (from step 1), add the beef filet mignon (cook until well done or 60% cook, your preference). 
  4. In the serving bowl, place egg noodles and garnish with green onion, cilantro, preserved dried cabbage. Top with slices of beef and add soup last. For an extra delicious bowl of egg noodle soup, add sliced fresh chili peppers and vinegar. 

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