Sunday, September 9, 2012

Che Khoai Mon: Vietnamese Pandan Sticky Rice Dessert

This is a Vietnamese dessert that I ate growing up in Vietnam. After tinkering around with different recipes, I have finally recreated this coconut-y, warm, comfort dessert.


Sticky Rice Base
3 cups water
3 ears of corn, raw
1 cup sticky rice, uncooked
1 bunch of Pandan leaf (you could find this at Vietnamese markets, fresh or frozen, in California) --if you can't find Pandan, you could substitute with pandan extract or vanilla extract or RUF Vanilla (1 bag. see photo below)
1 1/2 cups sugar

Coconut Milk
1 can coconut milk (14 oz)
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1/2 Tbsp sugar
  1. Prepare sauce: In a saucepan, add coconut milk, salt, cornstarch, and sugar. Stir evenly and then place on medium heat. Once it starts to boil, turn off the heat and set aside.
  2. Slice the corn off the cob in two layers so that each piece of corn is cut in half.
  3. In a medium pot, heat water, sticky rice, and pandan leaf on high heat until boiling . Reduce heat to medium low. Be sure to stir often to prevent clumping. Cook on medium low until sticky rice is tender.
  4. Add in the corn and cook another 10 minutes. 
  5. Add 1 1/2 cup of sugar and stir. When all of the sugar dissolves, turn off the heat.
  6. Remove the pandan leaf and serve in a bowl topped with coconut milk sauce (1). Hope you enjoy :)

材 料  :

水           3杯
玉米       3 个
糯米       1 杯
沙糖       1 1/2 杯
香叶(Pandan)or(Vanilla )   适量


椰奶       1 罐 (14 安士)
沙糖       1 汤匙
盐           1/2  茶匙
太白粉   1 汤匙

1。糯米洗干净加入3杯水,香叶( Pandan ) 一起煮至米兰(如粥一般).
2.  玉米用刀(玉米放置从顶切到底),加入(1)煮好的糯米。最后把沙糖加进去搅均匀即可。



Friday, September 7, 2012

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

makes 4 servings

1 piece (1/2 lb) chicken breast
2 clove garlic
2 pieces dried mushroom (soak in warm water for at least 1/2 an hour )
5 pieces water chestnut
1 pieces tofu (4oz)
1 tbsp peanut
1 bunch of bean thread noodle
2 head romaine lettuce
1 cup cooking oil
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. hoisin sauce

  1. In hot wok, pour 1 cup cooking oil and heat to 300-350F. Slowly put in bean threads noodle (make sure keep noodle dry or the hot oil will splash on you). The noodle will expand when they are heated. Turn over on other side and fry until both sides are cooked. Scoop it to a paper towel to soak the excess oil. Mash up into broken pieces.
  2. Boil the chicken breast until cooked through. After cooling, dice the chicken and set aside.
  3. Dice mushroom, water chestnut, tofu and set aside.
  4. In a bowl, add sugar, salt, soy sauce, housin sauce and mix it together.
  5. Pour the remaining cooking oil from the wok into a clean bowl. Leave 1 tbsp. oil in the wok and reheat the wok. Add garlic and mushroom first, then add in tofu, water chestnut, peanut, and the sauce mix. Lastly, add in fried bean threads noodle stir it evently. 
  6. Transfer to a serving plate.
  7. To eat: place a scoop of the chicken mix onto a leaf of lettuce, add cilantro if desired, roll up and enjoy!
材料:   4 人份

鸡胸肉                          一块
蒜末                              一茶匙(teaspoon)
香菇                              两朵
荸荠 (water chesnut)      五粒
豆腐干                          一块( 4 安士  ) 1 t
花生                              一汤匙( tablespoon )
冬粉                              一束
沙拉菜                          两束
沙拉油                              一杯(炸冬粉用)


沙糖                              一茶匙
盐                                  一茶匙
酱油                              一汤匙
海鲜酱                          一汤匙

    1. 把一杯沙拉油倒入油锅热。油的热度大慨300-350F 热,将冬粉(冬粉要干不能有水否则油会喷上身). 当冬粉一下油锅很快就会膨胀立刻翻过另一边炸一分立刻捞出放到纸巾让它吸油之后压粹备用。
    2. 鸡胸肉煮熟待凉切成丁粒,冬菇泡水后切丁粒,荸荠,豆腐干也一起切丁粒状。花生 炒或者烤熟都行。
    3. 刚炸完冬粉的油盛出来。剩下一汤匙油加入蒜末,冬菇,炒香跟着下,豆腐干,鸡肉丁,花生,  调味料一起炒香起锅前把炸好的冬粉倒进去翻均匀盛出盘。

Beef Egg Noodles

4 人份

 鸡                                       半支
 洋葱                                    1  个
 清水                                    10 杯
上等牛肉                            250 公克
蛋黄面 或 米粉
葱                                        适量
香菜                                    适量
冬菜                                    适量


沙糖                                    1 茶匙
盐                                        1 茶匙
鱼露                                    2  汤匙

1.锅内倒入清水10杯煮滚,把鸡,洋葱,放入锅用中火煮45 分,加1茶匙沙糖,1茶匙盐,2汤匙鱼露。息火后盖锅让它焖出洋葱的甜味。成高汤待用。
3。高汤回火煮滚把切好的一人份上等牛肉片下去煮7 分熟与汤一起盛入碗里的面条跟着下葱花,香菜,冬菜,胡椒,辣椒,浙江红醋。。。。(一碗香喷喷开胃的简单容易做的上等牛肉面。)

makes 4 servings

1/2 chicken
1 large white onion, peeled
10 cups water
8oz beef, filet mignon, sliced into thin slices
1 bag egg noodle
1 bunch green onion, chopped
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
1 tsp. preserved, dried cabbage
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. fish sauce

  1. In a large stockpot, add 10 cups water and bring to a boil over high heat. Add chicken and onion, skimming foam and fat from surface as they form. Then reduce to a medium heat and cook for 45 minutes. Season with sugar, salt, and fish sauce to taste.
  2. In another pot, fill halfway and boil water. After water is boiling, add in the egg noodle and cook 3-5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of cold water to cool the noodles and drain the water.
  3. Heat the chicken stock (from step 1), add the beef filet mignon (cook until well done or 60% cook, your preference). 
  4. In the serving bowl, place egg noodles and garnish with green onion, cilantro, preserved dried cabbage. Top with slices of beef and add soup last. For an extra delicious bowl of egg noodle soup, add sliced fresh chili peppers and vinegar. 

Steamed Buns



面粉 (或) 中筋面粉                    1 斤( 500 gram)
沙拉油                                         1  汤匙
沙糖                                             2  汤匙
盐                                                 1  茶匙
即溶酵母粉                                 1  汤匙 ( instant yeast)
酦粉                                             1  茶匙 ( baking )
鲜奶(室度)                             1 1/3 杯    


后腿肉 (搅粹)                      1/2  斤
沙糖                                            1 汤匙
酱油                                            1 汤匙
胡椒                                            1/2 茶匙
盐                                                1/2 茶匙
熟鸡蛋                                        2    个   (每个切成 4 块 )
腊肠                                            2    条  (每条切成 6 块 )
清豆   (随意)                            1    汤匙
  1. 将面粉、沙糖、盐、即溶酵母粉、酦粉,放入站型搅拌机,用低速度搅拌10秒,然后加入鲜奶,把速度调到中高速。最后加入沙拉油搅到面团光滑.(如家里没有搅拌机可用手揉到面团光滑不粘手即可)。 
  2. 用保鲜摸盖住搅拌碗,让面醒 1 小时 (冬天需 1 1/2 小时)不能超过 2 小时否着蒸出来的包会变黄而皮层会皱。
  3. 用一大碗将搅好的后腿肉, 沙糖, 酱油, 胡椒, 盐, 一起拌均匀,放冰箱一个小时让肉入味。
  4. 一小时后面团比醒面之前大两倍表示可以开始包肉馅。移面团出来之前用拳头大力压下面团的表面,让气泡消除之后,把面团移到台面上,揉成长条形状。切成 8 块。把一汤匙肉(可加入青豆), 一块鸡蛋,一块腊肠,包起来。再醒面半小时.
  5. 热水大火蒸十分钟,熄火将锅盖慢慢移开,水蒸气散完后,立刻拿掉锅盖。别让水滴到包子上。 

Dough Ingredients

500 gram all purpose flour
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp instant yeast
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/3 cup warm milk
1 tbsp oil

Stuffing Ingredients

your choice of ground meat (I used turkey since my family doesn't eat red meat)
water chestnut, minced
soy sauce
green bean (optional)
boiled eggs, quartered
Chinese Sausage, cut into 6 slices or chunks

  1. In a stand mixer or large mixing bowl, add in all purpose flour, sugar, salt, instant yeast, and baking powder. Mix on low speed or the powders will splash all over the counter. Blend the flour evenly. 
  2. Add the warm milk. Once the milk has mixed in, change the mixer speed to 7 or medium-high. Finally, add the oil until the dough becomes smooth. (If you do not have an electronic mixer, use your hand to knead the dough until it does not stick on your hand). 
  3. Cover with plastic food wrap or dry cloth ( DO NOT USE DAMP CLOTH OR THE DOUGH WILL NOT RISE ). Leave in the covered bowl for 1 hour; 1.5 - 2 hours max for colder climate. Be watchful of the time, over-rising the dough will result in yellowing and wrinkling after steaming.
  4. Prepare meat stuffing: using hands, mix ground meat, water chestnut, sugar, soy sauce, salt, green been (optional) in a medium bowl. Leave in the refrigerator for one hour to let the flavors marinate.
  5. After an hour, the dough should rise to double its size. Use your fist to punch down the dough to squeeze out all the air bubbles (this way the bun will not collapse when you steam it). Transfer dough to the counter and roll into a long log. Cut into 8 equal pieces (cut in halves to better approximate size). Wrap with the meat stuffing, egg, Chinese sausage. Set aside and let it rise again for 1/2 hour. 
  6. Once water is at a rolling boil, place buns into steamer. Steam for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and first remove the lid slightly to let out the steam. Then immediately remove the lid all the way. Be sure not to let water from the lid drip on the bun!